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BitComet - Shortcuts for Drag-and-Drop, Global, Task lists, Preview and BitComet Browser

BitComet is a popular BitTorrent client that allows users to download files from the internet quickly and easily. It boasts a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that make downloading large files a breeze.

In this article, we will explore some of the best shortcuts for BitComet, including drag-and-drop, global, task lists, preview, and BitComet browser. These shortcuts will help you to get the most out of this powerful BitTorrent client and improve your download speeds.

So, let's get started!

Shortcuts for Drag-and-Drop

One of the easiest ways to add a new download to BitComet is to use the drag-and-drop feature. To use this feature, simply drag the torrent file or magnet link onto the BitComet interface. BitComet will automatically start downloading the file.

However, there are a few tips and tricks that can make the drag-and-drop feature even more powerful. Here are some shortcuts you can use:

Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping a torrent file to automatically start the download without showing the download dialog box.
Hold down the Shift key while dragging and dropping a torrent file to add it to the top of the download queue.
Hold down the Alt key while dragging and dropping a torrent file to add it to the bottom of the download queue.

These simple shortcuts can save you a lot of time and help you to manage your downloads more efficiently.

Global Shortcuts

BitComet also includes a range of global shortcuts that can help you to manage your downloads without having to navigate through multiple menus. Here are some of the most useful global shortcuts:

Ctrl + N: Create a new download task
Ctrl + O: Open a saved torrent file
Ctrl + P: Pause or resume the current download task
Ctrl + D: Delete the current download task
Ctrl + J: Open the task list window

By using these global shortcuts, you can quickly and easily manage your downloads and get back to browsing the internet.

Task Lists Shortcuts

The task list window is where you can view and manage all of your download tasks. It's a powerful feature that can help you to keep track of your downloads and ensure that everything is running smoothly. Here are some shortcuts that can help you to make the most of the task list window:

F5: Refresh the task list
Ctrl + A: Select all tasks in the task list
Ctrl + Shift + A: Deselect all tasks in the task list
Ctrl + F: Search for a specific task in the task list
Ctrl + Alt + A: Add a new task to the task list

By using these shortcuts, you can quickly find and manage your download tasks and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Preview Shortcuts

BitComet includes a preview feature that allows you to preview the files you are downloading before they are finished. This can be incredibly useful for ensuring that you are downloading the right files and that they are of high quality. Here are some shortcuts that can help you to make the most of the preview feature:

Spacebar: Play or pause the preview
Left arrow: Move back 10 seconds in the preview
Right arrow: Move forward 10 seconds in the preview
Up arrow: Increase the preview volume
Down arrow: Decrease the preview volume

By using these shortcuts, you can easily preview your downloaded files and make sure they are exactly what you need.

BitComet Browser Shortcuts

BitComet also comes with its own built-in browser, which can be used to search for and download torrents without leaving the program. Here are some shortcuts that can help you to make the most of the BitComet browser:

Ctrl + T: Open a new tab
Ctrl + W: Close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab
Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous tab

By using these shortcuts, you can easily navigate through the BitComet browser and find the torrents you need.


Q: What is BitComet?
A: BitComet is a BitTorrent client that allows users to download files from the internet quickly and easily.

Q: How do I add a new download task in BitComet?
A: You can add a new download task in BitComet by using the Ctrl + N shortcut or by dragging and dropping a torrent file onto the interface.

Q: Can I preview my downloaded files in BitComet?
A: Yes, BitComet includes a preview feature that allows you to preview your downloaded files before they are finished.
Q: Can I use BitComet to search for torrents?
A: Yes, BitComet includes a built-in browser that can be used to search for and download torrents without leaving the program.


BitComet is a powerful BitTorrent client that comes with a wide range of features to help you manage your downloads. By using these shortcuts for drag-and-drop, global, task lists, preview, and BitComet browser, you can get the most out of this powerful program and improve your download speeds.

Whether you are a seasoned BitTorrent user or a newcomer to the world of file sharing, BitComet has something to offer. So, give it a try and see how it can improve your downloading experience!

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